About Us

One of the key unique features of our institution is the strict, well organized Purdah which is very well followed here within the guidelines of the Shariyah. Alhamdolilah, we take great pride in following the Purdah system such strictly. Even male teachers teach the students under Purdah from within a private cabin communicating through microphones and a loud speakers system and manual over head and digital projectors. The students can also ask questions through microphones etc. Males are not permitted in the female area. Females can not meet anyone that is a non-mehram.

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Daily Quran

hapter AL-HAJJ (THE PILGRIMAGE), Verse 3
Among people there are those, who without knowledge, dispute about Allah and follow every rebel satan,

Daily Hadith

Narrated: Abu Salamah bin Abdur Rahman and Abu Abdullah Al-Agharr
(the freed slave of the Juhanis) better of whom were companions of Abu Hurairah - that they heard Abu Hurairah say: "One prayer in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah (saw) is better than one thousand prayers offered in other masjid (mosque)s, except Al-Masjid Al-Haram, for the Messenger of Allah (saw) was the last of the prophets and his Masjid was the last of the Masjids." Abu Salamah and Abu Abdullah said: "We do not doubt that Abu Hurairah was speaking on the basis of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (saw), but we could not verify that Hadith with Abu Hurairah before he died. Then we remembered that and we blamed one another for not having spoken to Abu Hurairah about that, so that he could attribute it to the Messenger of Allah (saw) if he had indeed heard it from him. While we were arguing, we went and sat down with Abdullah bin Ibrahim bin Qariz, and we told him about the Hadith and how we had been negligent in not checking it with Abu Hurairah. Abdullah bin Ibrahim said to us: 'I bear witness that I heard Abu Hurairah say: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: I am the last of the prophets and it is the last of the Masjids.'" (Sahih)